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  • Megan Lawrence
  • Contact Me
  • 02 170 4678
  • megan@cropcraftcreate.com

Cropped about me image wy56s


I’m a Mum of 2 very handsome men (I know, how could I be that old??!!), wife to my husband of 28 years (Paul), and hold amateur status as a blogger, photographer & tennis player. I love traveling, home decor, album making, and to bake (probably because I have a very sweet tooth that always needs indulging).  Oh, I didn't forget chocolate did I??  You'll see all of my life and loves play out in my album pages.

I ‘reluctantly’ fell into scrapbooking 25 years ago when I was living in Los Angeles.  I turned down my first invitation to a scrapbooking party because ‘it wasn’t for me’.  BUT my bestie Christine persevered with me and long story short – here I am with 25 years of album making history behind me, and 24 years of teaching it in New Zealand.  Along with my personal love of and joy in the process, I hold a very strong belief in the VALUE of creating albums for your children, especially if you journal with words of love and encouragement to them.  They truly are the ultimate gift.

To this end I LOVE all things photos and albums.  

Ten years ago I joined CTMH as a founding consultant when they started business in NZ  - this immediately expanded my repertoire of crafting tools, techniques, and output - I became a card maker, alongside a scrapbooker.
I am now delighted to have joined with Stampin' Up! who have a beautiful range of products across cardmaking, stamping, scrapbooking, and gift giving.  I am super excited about continuing my crafting adventures with them.

I have received so many blessings through being a consultant, but there are a couple that I treasure above all the others. Firstly, the friendships I’ve made – with my ‘customers’, my team, and my sisters around the world. Secondly, the income I earn (through playing with paper!) that has allowed our family the opportunity to make choices. And thirdly, the incentive trips I’ve earned, that have taken Paul and I around the world, experiencing so much, alongside some of favourite crafty friends. If you’ve ever considered being a Demonstrator, I wholeheartedly recommend it – you’ve nothing to lose, and so much to gain.